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Chance for a Lifetime Page 2

  This time Chance did take her hand and gently caressed the soft skin. Her honesty was his undoing. She seemed so vulnerable, and he always had a soft spot for a lady in distress. “Because you can tell me anything, and I won’t care, and I won’t judge. I don’t want anything from you, and I may not know you like some do, but I do know I want you to be happy.”

  “I think you might know me better than people who said they have known me all my life.” Desiree’s voice was soft. “Do you know what I want right now?”

  Chance felt desire curl inside him and go straight to his loins. “What?”

  “I would kill for a burger. I hate this restaurant.”

  Chance grinned. “What kind of burger?”

  “A thick angus steak with mushrooms and pepper jack cheese.” She signed wistfully. “I had one in San Antonio four months ago, and I dream about them now.”

  “You are my kind of girl.” Chance laughed.

  Chance had a thought, it was a crazy impulsive thought, and this seemed like a crazy impulsive situation that could warrant such a thought. He leaned forward conspiratorially and called her with the crook of a finger. Desiree leaned forward. Curiosity was all over her face.

  “Runaway,” he whispered.


  “Runaway from all this. Come home with me to my ranch, spend a few weeks, and take the time you need to relax.”

  Desiree laughed, and her eyes were filled with childlike excitement. “I can’t do that, can I? I have responsibilities, and photo shoots…. Can I?”

  “Why not? We’ll go take the next flight out, and I’ll teach you about horses.” Chance winked at her. “I make a mean angus burger on the grill and homemade french fries. No strings attached. Desiree, come see my life and leave yours for a little bit.”

  She nodded, laughed excitedly, and clapped her hands in delight. The cameras outside seemed to love it because the flashes went off in rapid succession.

  “Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do. We are going to casually get up and walk to the back of the room to the exit and then make a mad dash to the limo,” Chance explained. “Drink some more wine, for courage.”

  “Wait, what about clothes and packing and make up?” she asked. She took two big gulps of the ruby red liquid in her glass.

  “Nope, nothing. You got your phone and your ID in your purse. We can buy whatever you need in Randolph, Montana, baby. Remember this is an adventure.”

  She giggled, and Chance laughed. “Are you tipsy?”

  She shook her head making her straight black hair shake and catch the light. “Nope, just drunk on the excitement of it all.”

  “Well then how about making it more exciting? Instead of a casual walk, we’ll just run, okay?” He got to his feet and took her hand while everyone watched. “Let’s give ‘em something to talk about.”

  He pulled her close and took her lips in a kiss, and the world seemed to drop away. She was a mix of the oaky flavor of the wine, but her natural taste came through. She was brown sugar and exotic spices rolled into one. When Chance pulled away, the dreamy look on her face made him want to go back for a second helping of her lips. “Let’s go, darling.” He grabbed her hands and ran. Helen yelled in the background and tried to follow them through to the kitchen, but they were way ahead. They hit the back door on a dear run, and Chance could hear the paparazzi yells of excitement as they tried to get to them before they could get away.

  Desiree laughed out loud and spun around in the alley. “I’m escaping New York! Adventure!”

  “No time for that, sweetheart. Let’s blow this joint.” Chance grabbed her around the waist and propelled her toward the limo. When they came running up, Earl threw his cigarette down in surprise. Chance helped her into the back seat and hit the top of the car when his chauffeur buddy just looked at him in surprise. “Earl, we’re heading back to the airport.”

  “You just came from there, and why is she with you?” Earl asked.

  “We have decided to be anarchists and runaway back to Montana.” Desiree stuck her head out of the car.

  Chance could hear the voices coming closer. They needed to leave. If not, they would be stuck in a mass of cameras. “Yup, what she said. Now roll out, buddy.”

  Earl grinned. “You got it.”

  Earl got behind the wheel, and when the throng of camera men came around the block, they were round the other corner and heading into traffic. Both him and Desiree looked back to see them chasing them and taking pictures of the limo as it drove away. Helen was standing on the sidewalk screaming into the phone, and from the red face she had, Chance could see she was positively livid. He looked at the woman beside him who had the brightest smile on her face and eyes that glittered with new life. He didn’t feel one ounce of remorse. This felt right, and soon Desiree would be away from this world for awhile. He wanted to kiss her again, but that would come in time.

  While they drove, he changed his flight back to Montana to the first available which was leaving in fifty minutes and got Desiree her ticket as well. First class to Montana and then his small plane would be waiting there to fly them into his airstrip in Randolph. From there, it would be a forty-five minute drive to his ranch. At the airport, Chance bid Earl good-bye and gave him his private cell number, telling his new found friend anytime he wanted to get away from New York, he would have a place and a job with him. The plane took off on time taking them away from the noise and the city lights to where stars glittered in the sky like jewels.

  On the plane, Desiree looked at him. “I have never done anything this crazy before. It was my mother, then my manager, telling me where to go and what to do. This is the first time in a long time I have really felt like did something on my own.”

  “It can only get better, honey,” Chance said. “Now I want you to do something for me.”


  He tucked a pillow behind her head and reclined her seat. He grabbed the blanket the flight attendant offered and pulled it up around her neck. “Sleep. You need it, darlin’.”

  She nodded with a smile and closed her eyes. Chance watched her for a few minutes as her face relaxed and she drifted off. She was beautiful, and he already wanted her with a fierceness after only a few hours in her company. He reclined his seat back as well and placed his hat over his eyes. He let sleep take him while they winged it through the skies toward his home.

  Chapter Two

  “I told you go have some fun in New York City not bring back a model with you,” Harvey said looking back at Desiree.

  She could hear them fine from where she stood by the truck. But she was too busy looking around to even care what Chance’s friend was saying. Even with Chance’s coat wrapped around her, she was chilled to the bone. Everything was amazing. Each breath of fresh air was crisp and clean. Chance had explained that even though it was hot in the day time, the nights had begun to turn cooler, and the mornings were chilly.

  Their flight had left New York City at eleven at night and with a two-hour layover in Denver, they had arrived in Montana at eight her watch said. Chance told her that Montana was two hours behind New York, so it was technically six in the morning. And he was not kidding about the cold. At the beginning of September, the city was still sweltering. Here they would be getting ready for fireplaces and settling in for a long winter. Everything about it was different and wonderful. She could see the tint of sunrise behind the mountains, while around the small airstrip was a sea of grass that blew gently in the breeze. She couldn’t wait until it was actually light out to look at her surroundings.

  She turned her attention to Chance, the man who started her whirlwind adventure. He was sexy as hell. Certainly, she had never seen anyone like him in New York. He was much taller than her, she assumed about six feet two inches to her five four stature. His hair was this mix of sandy brown and blond. With his hat off there was this lock of hair that fell across his forehead even when he pushed it back. The cowboy hat, oh yeah that is sexy, Desiree thought wit
h a secret smile. Mixed with the ice blue eyes and crooked smile that lit up his face, Chance was the epitome of sexiness in her opinion. And when he kissed her, she forgot how to function. Harvey’s voice brought her out of her musing.

  “But look at how she is dressed and those heels, no luggage, nothing!” Harvey said.

  “I happen to like this dress,” Desiree said proudly. “This is a Christian Dior and Prada heels thank you very much.”

  “Honey, he has no clue what that is,” Chance said with a sympathetic look at Harvey.

  “Listen I am not a moron. I know about New York fashion week,” Harvey said outraged.

  “We left in a hurry. She is my guest, Harvey,” Chance said mildly. “Hey, you wanted me to be spontaneous, and here it is. We’ll stop as Wal-Mart and get her some things.”

  “Cool, I have never been in a Wal-Mart!” Desiree said with a smile. They both looked at her like she had grown two heads. “Well I haven’t.”

  “Okay then off we go,” Chance said with a grin. “Harvey, you ride in the back of the truck.”

  “It’s cold as hell back there, Chance, especially with the wind coming up!” Harvey protested.

  “I think the truck can hold three. I don’t mind,” Desiree said. She felt sorry for poor Harvey who thought he was just picking up his friend but ended up with an extra passenger.

  “Fine, but next time bring the SUV,” Chance said.

  He lifted her at the waist to help her in the truck, and Desiree could still feel the warmth from his hands on her skin. His kiss and the feel of his hands made her tingle. This was crazy. She had just met the man, ran away with him, and was now thinking about his very impressive kiss. She had done something impulsive, and her heart raced with the exhilaration of it all.

  “It’s really very nice to meet you, Harvey,” Desiree said to the man next to her. “I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble in coming out here.”

  She looked over to see him turning red.

  “It’s no problem, Ms. Paget. I’m going to blame Chance for this. By the way, I saw you on the catwalk for the Victoria Secret thing in February. You were amazing, and that thing you were wearing…. Very sexy.”

  Desiree laughed. “Oh the new body shorts and top. I love that series of undies they created last year.”

  “Whoa what are we talking about here?” Chance asked.

  “The Victoria Secret show in February that I did,” Desiree explained.

  “Yeah, Chance keep up,” Harvey said.

  “Don’t make me pull this truck over, Harvey, and no more looking at her undies,” Chance snapped.

  “Hey, man it was on TV, and it was last year. It’s not like I am rifling through her underwear drawer.”

  “I don’t care. Don’t look anymore.”

  Desiree held back a giggle at the exchange between the two men. She had the feeling that Chance was a tad jealous but kept that to herself. She could not help the gasp that came to her lips when the sun burst over the horizon and bathed the area in morning sunlight. Green mountains led to flat planes with waves of deep green grass, trees off in the distance, and she could even make out a lake as they drove by.

  “Oh my God, this is so beautiful!” she exclaimed and leaned forward to try to see more. The town of Sweet Water was even more amazing. It was like being transported back to a small western town. They still had rails to tie up the horses, and everything was kept in its original form on the outside as a tourist attraction. Even so there was a Target and some other newer stores close by. But not too close to ruin what the townsfolk were going for, a throwback to the old west.

  They pulled into Wal-Mart, and Desiree went to work getting exactly what Chance told her to get but a few things extra just for her. Amid curious stares at her dress and the way she looked, she bought makeup and comfortable shoes, sneakers, and boots. While Chance was not looking a few other things a woman should always have, sexy underwear and a nightie.

  “Pajamas with Betty Boop?” Chance eyed them while she was loading her purchases on the checkout belt.

  “Hey don’t be critical of Betty. She was an iconic sex symbol,” Desiree said. “Don’t worry. I got everything you told me too.”

  “And some more stuff, I see.” Chance smiled, and Desiree felt her heart flutter.

  “A woman always needs makeup and her girlie items,” Desiree said primly.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” he answered.

  With everything purchased and loaded up into the back of the truck, they headed out to Chance’s home. When he said ranch she thought of a little farmhouse she had seen on many old cowboy shows on television. She didn’t expect the sprawling picturesque place that she now saw. Second Chance Ranch with a logo graced the front gates that he drove through. Wooden fencing painted white lined each side of the driveway. Now it was daytime, she could see men on horses, gathering up cattle and leading them out. Chance told her it was called cattle wrangling as she watched with interest. Horses roamed farther back in separated pastures, and then she saw his home. A huge two story ranch house painted white and big windows to catch the sunlight. She could see at least two separate stone chimneys with small trails of smoke being blown away by the breeze. The patio wrapped all the way around, and a gazebo graced the front lawn as they drove up.

  “Well what do you think?” he asked as he lifted her out from the truck.

  “This is fabulous. Chance, I have never seen anything like it,” Desiree said.

  “Glad you like it. Wait until you see the inside,” Chanced replied.

  “I’m going to go make sure today’s duty roster is being taken care of.” Harvey tipped his hat. “I’ll see you later, Desiree.”

  She waved. “Bye, Harvey.”

  Chance handed her two bags and took the rest in his big hands. The patio was made of stone and wood, and there was a swing that creaked when the wind pushed it on its hinges. When she passed by, she wondered how many times Chance had swung on it while he was growing up. There was a sense of family that surrounded his house, something she never had. She’d had a mother who pushed her into modeling at sixteen and then almost left her broke until she filed for emancipation to actually save herself. That was not family in the least. The closest thing to family she had was Helen who was a taskmaster with a brutal schedule and a bunch of people who wanted to be close to her for status and parties.

  They stepped through the door, and Desiree looked around in delight. There was mahogany and stone around the fireplace and a bunch of pictures of smiling people. Rugs were thrown across gleaming hardwood floors, and the stairs that led to the upper level were polished until they gleamed. Dark rustic colors were all around, browns, burgundy, deep reds and even fall orange. They were the colors of the chairs, the throws, and a recliner, and every piece of furniture complimented each other, including the bear skin rug that lay in front of the fireplace. It was a homey feel, and Desiree loved it immediately.

  “I already feel peace settling through my body.” Desiree smiled up at him. “Thank you for helping me run away.”

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. The sensation sent tingles of pleasure up her arm. “You’re welcome, darlin’. I’m glad you like it. I’ll take you to your room. You can lie around and rest all day, sleep, whatever, while I work, and tonight you can meet some of the rest of the crew that stays out in the bunkhouse.”

  “Oooh is it like on TV where they sleep in bunks and play poker on hay bales at night?” Desiree asked with excitement in her voice.

  “Why Desiree that is so stereotypical,” Chance teased. “No, they all have a room with privacy and a bathroom. There is a common area, and there are only seven people on staff here all the time. Everyone else comes in at eight and leaves at six.”

  “If I get bored, can I explore?” she asked.

  “Yeah, sure just let me or Harvey know which way you are going so we can find you,” Chance replied as they went up the stairs.

  He opened the door to the room, and De
siree entered into wide airy area with French doors that led out to a balcony. Chance threw them open wide, and a gust of fresh air took the lacy floor length curtains and lifted them up. The bed was made with a thick checkered quilt and filled with lush pillows. A big armoire was against the far wall.

  “Here’s the bathroom.” Chance opened another door.

  Desiree walked out and gasped. “Oh, I am in love!”

  “Really?” Chance’s voice held a husky tone, and Desiree instantly felt a rush of heat.

  “I mean the claw foot tub.” She smiled.

  “I’m so disappointed,” he teased.

  “Okay unpack your trove of new things, and I’ll bring you up something to eat before I head out and check on the ranch.” Chance walked out of the room and left her alone.

  Desiree fell back against the bed and laughed aloud. She felt so free and happy, it was amazing that she was the same woman dreading the win-a-date contest and hating her life. She rolled over and picked up her small purse she had thrown on the bed and pulled out her cell phone. After turning it on, she saw she had a list of text messages from Helen. She read through them, and with each word her frown deepened. She felt that familiar stress and unhappiness rise. The final message said it all.

  “You better get your butt back from wherever the heck you are in three days or ELSE.”

  It showed her what she knew for a long time, but she was so tired of the life she really didn’t care. She would have to find a new agent when she got home. Desiree turned the phone off and put it back in her purse. Three days or three weeks, she would not let anyone ruin her fun, not this time around. She would go back when she was good and ready if she ever went at all.

  * * * *

  Desiree thought she would explore. But after she ate from the tray of food that Chance had brought up to her room, she had said to herself she would only lay down for a few minutes. Instead, she slept all afternoon and into the evening. When she opened sleepy eyes and looked at the clock on the dressing table, it was already five thirty. For the first time in a long time, she felt rested. Living on only four to five hours sleep for years had been taking a toll on her. Every time she woke up, she felt as if she could sleep for days. Now after hours of just dreamless sleep, her body had thirstily drank up the hours, and she felt energized.