The Billionaire's Baby Read online

Page 2

  Remy roared with laughter. “Melty good? You’ve gone back to being a teen in a matter of hours.”

  Favian shrugged. “It feels good to be excited about dating again, after Kim and her bullshit.”

  “I want you to be happy, so if this girl may be it, I say grab hold and don’t let go no matter what,” Remy said seriously and stood up. “So I’m going to head down to R&D and kick them in the pants for a bit and get in their way.”

  “You mean you want to go play with their toys and talk tech,” Favian said. “Admit it, the R&D department is like your version of heaven.”

  Remy smiled. “So I’m a nerd, sue me.”

  “A nerd that can hold himself in a fight, so you’re good,” Favian called as his friend walked out the door.

  He looked down at his files and for a moment didn’t even see the words. His focus was on Adira and he had to pull himself out of it, firm his shoulders and get down to work. The hours would fly by between conference calls and business and then at eight he’d pick up Adira and make sure the night was magical.

  * * * *

  Adira looked into the full-length mirror and ran her hands down the red dress again. She pinned her hair up, leaving a few tendrils loose to frame her face. She wore very little make up, just some eyeliner to accent her eyes and a light coral lipstick to give her lips a shimmery look. The string of pearls that belonged to her mother lay against her bosom and the matching earrings she put in her ears. They were the only things she had left from her mother, the only things that hadn’t been stolen from her. Adira frowned at her mirror image and refused to let past memories infect her night. She was going out to dinner with a sexy man whose gaze made her heart jump in her chest. Adira shrugged into the little red satin bolero jacket that matched her dress.

  She picked up her small purse that carried her passport and money just in case she needed to get a cab and headed downstairs to wait for Favian. She didn’t have to wait long; the time on her watch read ten to eight when a sleek black limo pulled up. A driver stepped out and opened the rear door. Favian stepped out and Adira noticed that both men and women rushing along the sidewalk actually stopped to stare. The suit he wore looked like it was worth the amount she paid for the rent on her flat for a year. He looked scrumptious from head to toe and her mouth went dry when he directed his million-dollar smile her way.

  “You look simply magnificent,” he said. “Exquisito.”

  “Does that mean exquisite?” Adira asked.

  He inclined his head. “Yes, very good. Shall we go? We have reservations for eight thirty. Michael will frown on us if we’re late.”

  “Michael as in Michelangelo’s, one of the most exclusive restaurants around the world?” Adira asked as he led her to the limo.

  “Yes, he’s an old friend, so I have a table whenever I want,” Favian said casually.

  Adira wondered what it was like to just have money to casually throw around as she slipped into the warm leather seats of the limo. Favian got in beside her and the driver closed the door. The driver then got in and drove off and she watched the city and its spectacular lights fly by.

  On a few occasions she’d passed the exclusive restaurants in London, but she could never walk by without the people looking down their noses at her. It made her angry to some degree, but she felt sorry for them. They’d never look past their title and wallets to see how true people lived and loved. She hoped Favian wasn’t one of those people. But she doubted he was like that since he was a Marine and served in the military. Someone like that surely couldn’t look down on others for being lower class, something most of them couldn’t help being.

  “You’re very quiet.” Favian trailed his finger down her hand that lay against the seat. “Second thoughts or are you scared of me?”

  “A little of both, actually,” Adira admitted. “I never thought I’d be in a limousine with a man such as yourself.”

  “What kind of man would that be?” he asked.

  “The kind that seems to own everything, and I’m just a simple shop girl from England,” Adira replied. She cast a sidelong glance at him. “I’m curious as to why you wanted to take me out.”

  “Because I looked into those warm chocolate eyes and I was lost.” Favian picked up her hand and kissed her fingers.

  Adira pulled her hand away. “Does that line work?”

  Favian turned to her and met her gaze and in a serious tone said, “Adira, I don’t use lines. I don’t have time for them or see the use of trying to con a woman. There’s either a connection or there’s not. I feel one with you. I hope I’m not mistaken.”

  His blunt answer stunned her, but it was pleasantly refreshing. She smiled at him. “No, sir, you are not mistaken. I’ve taken a fancy to you as well.”

  Favian gave a soft laugh. “I love how you talk so very prim and proper. It makes me wonder.”

  “Wonder what?” Adira asked.

  “If when I kiss you will your voice get soft and breathless with desire, will it lose some of its snap and crack,” he said huskily.

  Adira cleared her throat. What does one say when a man makes you flustered? She said the first thing that came to her. “I hope they have chocolate cake. I’ve been craving a piece.”

  “Then chocolate cake it shall be.” Favian gave her a boyish grin. “Just so I can hear you say chocolate again.”

  Adira laughed and settled back in the seat. They idly chatted until the limo pulled in front of the restaurant. From there they were ushered to one of the most amazing booths with high back mahogany walls that blocked them from other patrons. The seats were made of soft red suede and she ran her hand over the material appreciatively as they sat down.

  “My good friend, I thought you’d forgotten about my cooking!”

  Adira looked over to see Chef Michael walking towards them. Many of the restaurant patrons began looking around to see who could bring the famous chef out of his kitchen.

  Favian stood and embraced the man. “Michael, how are you?”

  “Single, bored, but now I see this beauty beside you, I may change my mind,” Michael teased. “Hello, my beauty, and how can I coerce you from this man and into my kitchen where I will shower you with such culinary delights you will be in awe?”

  “If you promise me chocolate truffles, I’ll be yours,” Adira teased.

  Michael clasped his hands over his chest. “Be still my heart, she is from the United Kingdom. I must have you.”

  “You promised you’d only be mine. I’m devastated,” Favian joked, smiling at Adira and then turned to Michael. “Hands off, this gem is mine, Michael, but I will allow you to feed us.”

  “I don’t recall promising you that,” Adira teased. “He has desserts. I can’t deny my love of sweets.”

  “Michael, stop trying to plunder my date,” Favian said mildly. “Don’t make me bring out your lecherous behavior.”

  Michael gave a dramatic sigh. “Very well. I shall give you my best and leave this ravishing creature alone.” The waitress came over with menus and the chef waved her away. “No menus here. I create and you shall dine.” He kissed Adira’s hand. “I am now your servant for life since you have my unrequited love.”

  He walked away blowing a kiss back at her and Adira laughed. “He’s quite a character.”

  Favian took a sip of the wine the waitress had just poured and nodded his thanks to her. “He is, but don’t be fooled. If you had given him an in, he would have swept you up from my table.”

  “Would you have been upset?” Adira took a sip from her own glass.

  Favian met her gaze. “It may have caused the end of a ten-year friendship.”

  “Oh, you and your flattery,” she said.

  “I’m quite serious, Adira Potts. I plan to lay claim to you.”

  “What if I refuse?” she asked.

  “Do you plan to?”

  “I don’t think so, but you never know,” Adira said.

  “I love a challenge,” he murmured and left it at that

  The night went marvelously. They chatted and ate some of the most amazing dishes she had ever tasted. Favian fed her a bite of his steak with caramelized onions with an apple wine reduction. Her angel hair pasta with white wine cream sauce and grilled portabella mushrooms was heaven. In the end, she did have her chocolate truffle cake and almost had a serious relationship with it right there in the booth.

  After another decadent moan, Favian looked at her and said, “Please stop doing that.”

  “What?” she asked curiously and took another bite. “Mmm. Oh, my God, this is so good.”

  “Those noises of pleasure, the sound of your voice… If you don’t stop, we may give Michael’s restaurant a different reputation because I will take you on this table and lick that dessert off your skin,” Favian answered honestly, desire evident in his voice.

  “Oh, okay.” Adira didn’t know what to say.

  “Come home with me and have coffee, more chocolate cake and maybe a movie?” Favian asked.

  Do I dare? You know what will happen if you do. You won’t deny him when he touches you and kisses you. Yet the answer that came to her lips was one of acceptance. “I’d love that, thank you.”

  Michael refused to let Favian pay for dinner and sent Adira on her way with a kiss on the lips and two slices of dessert. The night only had a hint of a chill when they stepped outside. The ride to his brownstone took about half an hour and she noticed by the street numbers that he lived on the exclusive upper east side. The brownstone lamp fixtures and railings seem to gleam in the night. He held her hand and walked up the steps just as someone opened the door for them.

  “Good evening, Mason. What are you still doing up?” Favian’s voice was gentle as if he was speaking to an old friend instead of someone who worked for him. Adira looked at the older man who had a kind, small smile and instantly warmed to him.

  “You know me, Favian. I need to make sure you get home okay.” Mason grinned.

  “This is Adira Potts from London. We’re going to set up and watch a movie,” Favian said.

  “I’ll get you two some drinks and popcorn,” Mason said.

  “No, you go on home to Suzie. I’ll see you in the morning,” Favian said. “Give her a kiss for me.”

  Mason nodded. “I’ll definitely do so.”

  They stepped inside and Adira looked around in surprise. The house had a comfortable homey feel mixed with a contemporary look. Hardwood floors and soft cream carpets, the staircase spiraled upwards for three floors. The walls were covered with pictures of bridges, rivers, Central Park and more. They were beautifully done and framed in rich red wood—the same as the furniture—complimenting the décor nicely.

  “Who took the pictures?” she asked after he closed the door behind Mason.

  “It’s a hobby of mine,” Favian admitted. “Do you like them?”

  “They are wonderful. You have a really good eye.” Adira smiled.

  He held out his hand to her. “I hope I do.”

  His words implied so much more, and she ducked her head shyly as they walked down the hall. He told her about the house, which had three bedrooms on the top floor, two on the ground floor. His master bedroom was on the second floor along with his office and another empty room. The house in its entirety was amazing, including the kitchen which was stainless steel, bamboo, and marble throughout. They settled in his family room in front of the massive flat screen TV that practically took up one entire wall. They decided on the newest James Bond movie that had just been released.

  “So is Mason your butler?” she asked casually. “I thought we only had that in the UK.”

  “Butler, no. He looks after the house for me. His wife Suzie cooks when I’m not in the mood to,” Favian explained. “When we were growing up Mason and his wife owned the Bodega in our neighborhood. I thought I was Mr. Badass and hung out with some people I shouldn’t have. I stole from his store, helped vandalize it and worked there for a year to pay off what I did.” He pulled a blanket of out a leather chest in one corner of the room and pulled it over them. “My father insisted on it since he and Mason were friends. I learned a lot that year, especially how to appreciate the hard work some people put into their jobs and lives, like what my mother and father had taken on. In the end, when my parents died and I took over, Mason and Suzie had retired and sold their store. I asked them to come work for me and set them up in a nice apartment in the neighborhood.”

  “So you were a bad boy.” Adira nudged him with her shoulder teasingly.

  “Adira, could it be you like bad boys? Should I show up and take you to a picnic on the back of my bike?” Favian chuckled.

  She turned to him excitedly. “You own a motorbike? How exciting. Would you really let me ride on it?”

  He laughed, a rich sound that was pleasant to the ears. “I don’t know if I should kiss you or wrap you in silk and put you on a shelf.”

  “I’d rather you kiss me.” Adira snapped her mouth shut. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Why not?” His voice had become low and husky.

  “I don’t take risks. I go to work, go home, watch the occasionally movie. I’m really simple and kind of bland—”

  He cut her words off with a kiss and she made a sound of surprise before the one of pleasure that followed. His kiss was like an electric zing against her mouth. He tempted her mouth open with a gentle caress of his tongue across her lip. Adira shivered and moaned and when she did, he slipped his tongue inside and this time the sound of pure pleasure came from him.

  He lifted his head. “Mi querida, you taste amazing. I don’t see why you call yourself a simple girl or bland. You are like ambrosia on my tongue.”

  “You say you like my voice, but you make everything sound so good.” Adira bit her lip. She wished she would think before she spoke. His accent was like warmed brandy—the alcohol her father loved to drink after dinner. “Kiss me again,” she said impulsively.

  He needed no second invitation. Favian swooped in and this time the kiss went from passionate to nuclear. He leaned back against the arm of the plush sofa and brought her body with him until she was lying on top of him. She slipped her hand behind his head and gently used her nails to scrape at his scalp. His body shuddered beneath her and she was thrilled with his response.

  “We’d better stop before I take you right here.” Favian’s voice was raw with desire.

  “Yes,” she said simply.

  “Don’t say that, mi querida, my darling. I’m trying to be a gentleman.” Favian groaned.

  “This is my first time at really living. I mean, if I was in London I’d be in bed by now with a warm cup of tea and my happy socks,” Adira said.

  Favian gave a soft laugh. “Happy socks?”

  “They’re socks with yellow happy faces or little birds or musical notes. I have a thing for socks, but never mind that now.” Adira kissed his neck boldly. “I’ve only been with one man, long ago, when I was eighteen. It was uncomfortable and he was not nice about it. It seems he only wanted what he couldn’t have and when he had it, that was that. So don’t be a gentleman. Give me one night of absolute magic, make love to me right here. I will not say no because I want you.”

  “It won’t be one night. If I put my hands on you, this will go on for a lifetime,” Favian said. He kissed her feverishly and pulled her closer. “I want you to stay. I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve never done this or felt like this for a long time.”

  “We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Tonight let’s just feel,” Adira said against his lips.

  She met his dark gaze as he lifted her in his arms and carried her upstairs to his master suite. There was no more to be said. Tonight she would live the fantasy that had always been in the back of her mind no matter how many times a man kicked her into the dirt. She slid down his long, muscular body until she was standing on the floor in front of him.

  “Dance with me,” he said softly.

  “But we have no music,” Adira pointed o

  “Kiss me and feel the rhythm of my heart; each beat is for you,” he murmured.

  Favian lowered his head to hers and their lips met. She clung to his shoulders, afraid she would fall from the dizzying pleasure of his kiss. Again, his lips against hers felt like electricity was moving between them. Every part of her tingled as he coaxed her mouth open and their tongues parried and played. She rubbed against him sensuously, wishing that their clothes were off so that they could touch each other’s skin. His kiss became more frenzied and he took hold of the ends of her dress and lifted it over her head. Their lips only broke apart for those few seconds and then clung together once more.

  With deft fingers he undid the clasp of her bra and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  “I love your breasts. They fit in my hands just perfectly,” he murmured. Adira gasped as his hot mouth closed over a nipple while he caressed the other. “I love those sexy noises you make.”

  “You’ve only just heard them,” she said breathlessly.

  “I’ll get more out of you before the night is over,” he murmured. He lifted her up and placed her on the wide bed.

  His breath was hot on her stomach as his tongue dipped into her navel. He placed kisses on her thighs and groaned as if he had tasted something delicious. Adira shivered in excitement for what was to come. She raised herself up on her elbows and watched him on his knees between her legs. His eyes never left hers as he pulled her panties down her legs. He trailed his finger down the slit of her pussy. She bit her lip, but couldn’t help the reflex of her hips as they arched towards his touch.

  “Oh, Favian,” she said vulnerably.

  “I love my name on your lips.” His voice was a guttural sound.

  Favian bent his head and she felt his kiss on the top of her mound. She whimpered and wanted to feel more of his mouth on her skin. He gave a soft growl in the back of his throat, one that made her shiver in anticipation.

  “I’m going to taste you, mi querida,” he said.