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"Who?" Claire asked curiously. "I don't have any meetings with hospital heads today. We finished the quarterly budget last week." "I don't know, some guy, very cute. Are you holding out on me?" Claire laughed as she walked down the corridor to her office. "Shelia, you know I have the social life of a mole." Shelia's laughter followed her as she turned the corner.
"I can't cut anymore off the budget, Barry. You are going to have to live with it," Claire said firmly as she opened her office door. She looked up and stopped short. It was not Barry Moore, the head of the hospital, standing there. She was looking into the gorgeous green eyes of Sergeant First Class Daniel Butler. Daniel smiled. "Sorry I'm not Barry, Major Kirkland." "Uh…no, you are not, Sergeant Butler. And it's just Doctor Kirkland. I'm not in country anymore." No, he was definitely not Barry, the sixty-year-old head of the department. Claire felt her stomach do a few nervous flips before she quietly ordered it to stop in her head.
"How about I call you Claire? And since I am not in uniform right now, you call me Daniel," he said with a smile.
"Okay, Daniel, what are you doing in Washington and here in my office?" Claire asked. She walked in and stood behind her desk. Somehow she felt like she needed a barrier between them—he made her nervous but in an excited way. His presence seemed to dominate the small office, he was by no means a tall man, being just shy of six feet. But, his build was thick and muscular, his dark brown hair cut to military specifications made his features more bold. Claire took in the slightly crooked nose and the lips with the thin mustache. The whole package was quite appealing in Claire's opinion.
"Well, Claire," Daniel made a point to use her name and she couldn't help but smile, "I wanted to see you without a boonie hat on. I wanted to see if the angels that were swimming above my head when I got hurt were real. I am stationed out of the 69th Amory in Maryland, so it was no trouble getting here. And I wanted to thank you for saving my life."
"All that, huh?" she teased. "No thanks are necessary. I was doing my job and if it wasn't me, it would have been another medic." Why did his words make her work to breathe normally? The way he was staring at her made her feel warm on the inside.
Daniel took the few steps that took him to her desk. He reached over and took her hand, his voice low. "No, it was you, Claire. You said you would find me and you never did."
The touch of his hand sent a tingle though Claire's fingers, and she stammered on her next words. "You—you remember me saying that?"
"I remember lots of things. Like the color of your eyes. How did you get gray eyes like that, Claire?" His finger was tracing little circles on her wrist where her pulse beat, making the butterflies in her stomach do some new kind of dance.
"My-my father was Caucasian, my mom is African American." She laughed nervously. "Well, you can see one of my parents was black, since I am…."
"Your skin is like hot chocolate, I remember thinking that when I saw you at the party. I thought it again when the helicopter took me up," Daniel murmured, staring into her eyes. "You are stammering, Claire, do I make you nervous?"
"No," she said firmly. "No, you don't. And you can't come into a person's office, my office, and start touching them. I don't even know you."
"You do know me. Your pulse has picked up, so I am thinking you are telling me a fib."
Claire pulled her hand from his grasp and sat down behind her desk. "Well, my pulse is wrong unless you took up medicine since I saw you last."
Daniel laughed. "No, I didn't. So why didn't you find me, Claire, like you said you would?"
She stared at him in amazement. "You're kidding, right? How was I supposed to find you? I didn't even know where you were stationed, I said that to calm you."
"I took that comment very seriously. The first thing I did when I left Germany was to search for you, and I did find you."
"I don't know whether to be flattered or scared. Why would you want to find me?" Claire asked. "Be flattered," he said with a smile. "I wanted to find you because." "Because, that's the reason you have, just because?" At his smile
and nod Claire added, "That's no answer." "Well, come to dinner with me tonight and find out." Just then Claire's beeper went off and she looked at it standing quickly. Before she could move her name was being paged over the speaker system. "I have to go, Daniel, I'm on call." He grabbed her arm. "Tell me you'll come to dinner with me." "Okay, I'll come to dinner. Pick me up out front around nine," Claire said without hesitation. She rushed out the door and she could still feel Daniel's gaze on her as she rounded the corner by her office. * * * * He strode out of the hospital into the bright morning sun and took a deep breath. He hated hospitals, and the inhaled breath took the smell of disinfectant from his nose. July in Washington was usually warmer than this, but today the humidity was nonexistent. Daniel walked between the passing people and took in the new day. He had parked his car a few blocks away and walked to the hospital. He was enjoying the freedom to walk, stretching his long legs, without worrying about what was coming.
For almost a year and a half in the desert, every step taken was careful and slow, not wanting to step on an IED or drive over one when they were on a mission. Improvised Explosive Devices, he had seen the damage they could do first hand. They demolished vehicles, and the human body was no match for the powerful homemade weapons. So now he could enjoy a walk, he would savor every step, until he went back.
Daniel's thoughts turned to Claire and a smile formed on his face. Claire Kirkland was a tough cookie, he could tell. But there was something under that tough exterior, and he wanted to find out what it was. She was wearing a short blue skirt and a matching blouse under the white doctor's coat. She had generous curves and hips, Daniel could imagine having his arms wrapped around her. A head full of thick, brown hair that was cut in the front with bangs—she probably got it cut when she came home, he mused to himself. A full, generous mouth completed her face, with those gray eyes that he could drown in. Claire Kirkland had filled his mind when he was in Germany, and now he could not wait until tonight to have dinner with her.
Daniel's mind was so caught up in thinking about Claire, he was surprised when he was standing in front of his car. With a smile on his face, he slid behind the wheel and pulled into traffic. It was only a little after eight in the morning, and he did not have to pick her up until nine that night. Plenty of time to run his errands and get back to his place to change before picking her up for dinner. * * * * The call on her beeper was for a traffic accident that came into the ER. Two victims of a T-bone on the highway, and Walter Reed was the closest hospital en route. Claire worked in her usual efficient way— calming the woman who was more panicked than injured, and taking care of the man whose car took the brunt of the impact. He was sent up to X-ray for a broken collarbone and the woman was admitted for observation. While she was standing at the nurse's desk filling out charts Sheila came up to her. "So, who was the stud in your office, Claire?" she asked curiously. Claire laughed. "That wasSergeant Daniel Butler. I took care of him
when he got hurt in Iraq a few months ago." "He looks absolutely delicious. So, are you two going out?" Sheila probed. "Well, Ms. Nosy, he is taking me out for dinner later as a thank
you." "Honey, if you saw how he looked at you when he was leaving. This
dinner is not about a thank you," Sheila teased. "Sheila, you and your romantic mind." Claire laughed, then she
asked. "Did he look at me like that, like it's more than a thank you?" "Claire, for a woman of thirty-one you are such an innocent. If Jeff looked at me like that I would not be coming in tomorrow," Sheila said speaking of her husband.
"You know that Jeff looks at you like that all the time. How many kids is it now? Three, including the new one I got pictures of overseas?" Claire teased in return.
Sheila hooted with laughter as she walked away with a patient's medicine. "I don't know how we do it, with our schedule. Even when we are together we are too tired for anything but sleep. I think the stork theory should come
back into play."
Claire grinned at Sheila's comment, knowing that the plump woman probably had more of a sex life than she let on. Daniel Butler, Claire said the name in her head as she went back to her work. She was anticipating the night and what it could bring.
Chapter Two
By nine o' clock Claire was a bundle of nerves. What had made her say yes to Daniel's dinner proposal? She had walked into her office at eight-thirty to change. She thanked the heavens that she had the forethought to keep a few extra outfits in her office just in case. Amidst whistles and catcalls from teasing workers at her outfit, she walked through the sliding doors of the hospital and out into the fading light.
The sun had just gone down about an hour earlier. The night sky was a dark blue velvet blanket. Claire looked up as she stood outside. The sky was one of her favorite colors, and she was glad she was able to look up at it without wondering what was falling from it.
She was dressed in a light sundress the color of cream. On her feet she wore flat sandals and she had her hair falling loosely down her back pulled back to each side with a small crystal barrette. Claire loved to dress up latelysince Iraq and only wearing a uniform day in and day out. She appreciated clothes in a new way, especially dresses and skirts.
She saw Daniel's smile as he drove up. He pulled up in front of her and leaned over to open the door to the sleek car. "Need a ride, pretty lady?"
Claire played along, feeling the light tone of his voice ease her nervousness. companion."
"Drop that guy and come with me, I'm much better company," Daniel teased.
Claire tapped her chin as if considering the proposition. "Okay, he's out and you're in, buddy." Claire slid into the comfortable leather seat of the Saab and buckled herself in.
"You looked like a cool vanilla ice cream treat standing there in that dress," he commented. Claire's laugh bubbled up naturally. "Your mind is on sweets, I see." "No, it's actually on licking your skin to see if you taste as good as you look." "Uh, I don't know, sir. I am waiting on my dinner
His words sent a curl of warmth through her belly that settled between her legs. What could she say to a comment like that? Hell, she wanted to see if he tasted as good as he looked, but she kept silent. "Ready to go?" Daniel asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." Daniel pulled away from the curb and started down the busy street. He had the radio tuned to a nice jazz station. The music relaxing and mellow, Claire felt the day's tension begin to melt away. Daniel glanced over at her and smiled. "So how was your day?" "It went fine, honey, did you get the kids from soccer practice?"
Claire teased. "Hey, don't tempt me. I know a Commander who could marry us,"
Daniel replied with a grin. I'm teasing, it's actually very nice to have some one ask me how my
day was. And it was fine, by the way. Thank you for asking." "Where would you like to go and eat?" Daniel asked. "I'm not partial, but let's make it somewhere we can sit outside,"
Clairerequested. "I know just the place." Daniel turned the wheel and soon they were heading down Main Street. There was a comfortable silence between them. Claire was so relaxed she leaned her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. She must have dozed off because she felt a slight nudge to her shoulder. Her lids opened sleepily to see Daniel smiling at her.
Claire sat up right. "Oh my gosh! Did I doze off? I am so sorry, Daniel."
"You must have been more tired than you thought. I liked watching you sleep."
"You were watching me?" Claire asked. She leaned her head back against the seat.
"Yes I was. But if you don't move very soon I won't be able to stop myself from kissing you," Daniel said softly.
"Okay." It was a simple yes or no for her, everything inside her said yes to his kiss.
There was a smile on his face as his head descended to hers. His lips were soft and he moved them against hers lightly, just to enjoy the feel of her. Claire's lips opened under his, encouraging him to take the kiss deeper. Daniel did just that, his tongue invading her mouth swiftly. A low groan escaped him as her tongue followed back into his mouth. The kiss ended with Daniel pulling away, but not before he took one, two, three little tastes of her lips.
There was silence in the car, all they did was stare at each other before Daniel said. "Um, we should go in and….uh, eat."
"Yes we should, we came to eat, so we should go do that." Claire agreed with him.
Daniel got out of the car and walked around to open the door. He held his hand out to help her out of the car. She stood next to him and, still holding hands, they began to walk to the restaurant. There were lights twinkling from the trees out front . Each outdoor table had a candle floating in a bowl of water surrounded by flowers also floating in the water.
They were greeted at the door, and while they were waiting to be seated Daniel leaned over to whisper in her ear. "You know what?" Claire smiled. "What?" "That was some kiss," he said and kissed her softly on the ear. Claire shivered and whispered, "I know." Sitting outside in the warm night air, having dinner with someone, the soft music and romantic ambiance set the mood. Claire was having a good time and she forgot how good it felt just to relax. Daniel had ordered a bottle of wine and now they were talking as they waited for their food.
"So, how do you like being retired from the good old Army?" Daniel asked.
Claire took a sip of wine before answering. "It's kind of strange, but I like it. Who knew I could be a retired vet at thirty-one? How much longer do you have?"
"I don't get to retire just yet. I have at least one more tour before I can even put in my papers," Daniel replied. "So you have to go back to Iraq?" Claire asked. "In about two weeks. I have an eight-month tour coming up and
then that's it." "Oh." Claire's tone made him look at her curiously. "Do I detect a note of disappointment in your voice, Claire?" She smiled a shy smile. "I don't know, I guess after the kiss I figured
we would have more time to get to know each other." Daniel reached over the table and grasped her hand. "We can learn all we need to in two weeks. And I'll be back." "I used to be a soldier too, Daniel," Claire said softly. "I know the
risks and…" Daniel stopped her. "Hey, I'll be back." "Is it me, or does this seem to be moving very quickly? This is the first time we have seen each other since I treated you." Claire asked the question looking directly at him.
"Not fast enough to suit me," Daniel joked. "Seriously, Claire, this goes as fast or as slow as you want. But I have to let you know now. You have been in my thoughts all the way from the time I was put on that chopper, to when I saw you in your office this morning."
"I can't believe you even remember me, even though you were that hurt."
"I remember opening my eyes and looking at you. I remember you telling me you would find me. As soon as I was able to talk and ask who you were I started looking for you."
"I was meaning to ask you that. How did you find me?" Claire asked curiously.
"It was not easy," Daniel laughed. "First, after the surgery and I regained consciousness, I asked for the medic on the chopper. No one knew which chopper brought me in. So every time I heard a chopper I would ask to be wheeled out to the triage area to ask which one came in with me. I found him, then he gave me your name, and then it was just a matter of using my laptop to find you."
"You did all that to find me, why?" It amazed Claire that he would go through all that trouble.
"Yes I did, and as to why, because you captivated me with one look." His statement left her breathless in an instant. "Do you go after things like this, so tenaciously?" she asked. "Not things, Claire, you." Daniel looked at her as he spoke so she
could see how serious he was. Their dinner came, and Daniel changed the mood of their conversation. As they ate he found out her mom was a single mother and she joined the Army so she could go to med school. Claire found out that there was no one in Daniel's life. He was raised in foster care and, from the time he turned eighteen, the Army was his family. Claire felt sympathy for the lon
ely child who grew up without anyone.
She wanted to be that someone that he came home to. The thought startled Claire, where did it come from so suddenly, so quickly? Her gaze flew to Daniel's face and found him staring at her. She felt as if he was seeing her every thought.
"So, I guess I'd better take you home, huh?" Daniel asked conversationally. Dinner was over and they were chatting about any and everything, trying to prolong the good time they were having.
"Yes we should go. I have day shift all this week at work," Claire responded.
She gathered up her purse while Daniel paid the bill. On the walk back to the car they held hands, neither speaking, only enjoying the closeness that had quickly formed.
"Do you have to pick up your car from the hospital?" he asked as he opened the doorof his car for her.
Claire slid into the car and looked up at him. "No, you can drop me off in the morning." The door closed and Claire watched him walk around to the front of the car. Did she make the wrong choice? Claire was so sure she wanted to be with him tonight. His lack of response made her rethink her decision. Maybe he didn't like such a bold offer, especially from a woman. She knew most military men liked their women a little more submissive. Maybe it was because of her rank in the Army, that it was like an order instead of an offer. A lot of guys in the military had problems with women having a higher rank than them. Doubtful thoughts whirled around in Claire's head.
Daniel got in the car and started it up. Before he could change the gears to move, Claire put her hand over his on the steering wheel. "Did I say something wrong, should I not have assumed….?"
His response was to give her a hard kiss on her mouth. "No, I want to stay the night. I just want to make sure that you are sure."
"I'm sure, but you could have said something. I was thinking I should head for the hills or bury my head in embarrassment," she said. "I'm sure, Daniel, we have two weeks before you go. I want to enjoy every moment I can."