Chance for a Lifetime Read online

Page 4

  “It is a flattering remark, honey. I love me some apple pie.”

  “I am a mess again. I should go upstairs and get cleaned up,” she said softly.

  Chance slid her down his body slowly until her feet touched the floor, and he gave her a grin. “Want some help to wash your back?”

  “I think if you help me in the shower, there is going to be nothing clean about what we do,” she teased and stepped around him to walk away.

  “Exactly!” he called after her, and she laughed back as a response. He added impulsively, “Hey, put some jeans on while you’re up there. I’m going to teach you to ride a horse after breakfast.”

  Desiree peeked around the door frame. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really. We have to bring the cattle out of the south pasture this afternoon, and I’ll be gone until after sundown. I can take an hour to give you a lesson.”

  “I’ll be back in a jiffy!” She squealed in delight as she ran up the stairs. Her feet echoed, and Chance grinned. She was happy. For some reason her happiness made him want to jump and whoop.

  * * * *

  Desiree sat in the porch swing and watched the sunset behind the mountain. She took mental pictures of the scene because she knew she would want to remember it forever. Desiree didn’t see how anyone could become bored with this picturesque landscape. Even the horses in the pastured at sunset looked magnificent as they ran. Their muscles moved gracefully under their shiny coats, and it took her back to this morning when she had her first lesson. Chance had put her on a gentle horse named a Copper, a dark brown horse that stood and waited patiently for her to get on his back.

  “Foot in that stirrup and throw your legs up, honey, and over his back,” Chance had said, and when she did it, he praised her. “Good girl. Now put your leg in the other stirrup.”

  “I’m on a horse,” Desiree said with excitement. She patted Copper’s muscled neck, and he whinnied softly in response.

  “Yes, you ar,e darlin’.” Chance chuckled. Now you hold the reins tight in your hand so you can direct him to which direction he should go. Give it a little tug right if you want him to go that way and so forth. Grip him tight with your thighs and sit up straight so you can get the rhythm of his movements. When he began a slow trot, everything seemed to be going well until she felt herself begin to slide sideways.

  “Chance, I think I-I’m slipping!”

  He moved to take the reins quickly and lead Copper back to the fence. He rushed around to catch her from falling sideways.

  “I think I need to sit with you awhile until you figure out how to hold your body steady.” Chance laughed.

  That was her favorite part of the ridding lesson. When Chance climbed the wooden coral fence, swung his sexy lean body over on the horse, and sat behind her, she could feel the warmth of his body against her back. His hard thighs moved against hers. It felt intimate and arousing, so much so she wished she could turn and wrap her legs around him and take him as they rode. It was a fantasy that she wanted to be a part of with him someday. How could she even approach him on a subject like that? As worldly as they thought she was, Desiree didn’t know how to tell Chance she had never slept with a man and she wanted to him to be her first.

  He had waved good-bye as he and his ranch hands had left to go get cattle from another part of the property he owned. There was plenty of food in the fridge he had told her, and they would not been eating in the kitchen tonight. Instead he and his ranch hands would be having a supper outside by a fire while they brought the cattle in. Desiree came upon a plan. She would make dinner for him, a romantic something to show him she wanted to take their passionate kisses to another level. That’s what worldly women did, right? Take their sexuality into their own hands? Desiree stood with a smile on her face. She walked into the kitchen and looked around. How hard would it be to follow a cookbook anyway?

  She found a shelf full of them on a white baker’s wrack in the kitchen, and she picked a book called “Simple Country Recipes in 30 Minutes”.

  “Chicken pot pie, this looks promising,” Desiree mused to herself.

  She began to look around the kitchen for the different ingredients listed in the book and put them all on the kitchen table.

  “First prepare the dough for crust and topping,” she read out loud.

  In a big bowl she added in the flour and the butter and mixed it together until it looked like crumbles like the book said. Then she added the eggs. Hmm chicken, she thought and went to the fridge to pull out a packet of chicken breasts. She put it on the counter while she put a big pot of water on to boil and then dropped the frozen chicken inside. The recipe called for her to cook fresh vegetables. She remembered where Harvey had gone into the big pantry, and she had seen carrots and potatoes. She ran inside the wide airy room and pulled out the fresh garden veggies she had seen and a can of peas. She put those on the counter and went back to the kitchen table, where she began to work the dough.

  “Eww icky,” she muttered as it stuck to her hands with yellow egg yolk. She added in a bit more flour and then it was to dry, She added in some water and then it was too wet. What is the exact consistency of dough she wondered as she looked at the sticky lump she had put on the flour-covered wooden table. The pot hissed and bubbled, and she saw the cover tilt and water bubble over. “Oh no, oh no!” she cried out and went to fix it. She turned the stove down and from there things went from bad to worse. She tried to use the rolling pin to roll out the dough, but it kept sticking to the smooth roller surface.

  The veggies burned, and the peas were mush. How was she supposed to know that you don’t cook canned peas with fresh vegetables? She spilled the flour and dropped some of the eggs on the floor, and even though she was boiling the chicken, it was still frozen in the middle. She finally gave up and slumped to the floor with flour all over her face and hair, and globs of dough on the floor and on the table. The peas made the rest of the veggies burn, and there was a mess on the stove. She felt the tears threaten when she pulled her knees up to her chest and looked around at the destruction of Chance’s kitchen.

  “What the world happened here?”

  She looked up when she heard his astonished voice, and she burst into tears. Chance strode over and picked her up like she weighed next to nothing and held her against his chest.

  “I’m getting flour and goo all over your shirt,” Desiree said and sobbed all the louder.

  Chance strode over to one of the chairs in the kitchen and sat down with her on his lap. “Don’t you worry about none of that, sweetheart. I’m already dirty.” He pushed some of the stray hairs away that fell from her ponytail and the tear-streaked flour from her face. “Now what’s going on?”

  “I-I,” she hiccupped. “I was trying to make you a nice romantic dinner. B-because I wanted to show you that I care about you and I like kissing you and I want to kiss you more and do more than kiss you, right?”

  “Uh-huh,” Chance nodded.

  “So I decided to make you a nice dinner.” Desiree waved her arms around the room as a new set of tears overtook her and she wailed. “How was I supposed to know that it was so hard to make a chicken pot pie? I can follow directions for a recipe.” She sniffled and glared at him. “You see this is why I eat out in New York. Kitchen thingies don’t like me.”

  “Honey, have you ever cooked before?” Chance asked.

  “No, but how hard can it be?” She saw his lips twitch and a smile begin to form. “Chance Niven, you better not dare laugh at me.”

  “I’m not laughing at you,” Chance consoled. “You were doing this to try to romance me?”

  Desiree nodded.

  “Because you like kissing me and stuff?”

  She nodded again. “And I want to do other things with you like…you know.”

  Chance’s grinned widened. “I think I can see where you’re going.”

  “There’s a problem though,” Desiree said. She felt her face burn with embarrassment of what she had to say. “I’ve never
done it before.”

  His face was one of shock. “You mean you have never had sex?”

  She threw him a dark look. “Yes, I, Desiree Paget, am twenty-eight years old, and I have never had sex. Great now you think I am some kind of freak.”

  Chance captured her chin in his grasp and kissed her gently. “No, I think you are some kind of special. In your life there had to be men chasing you down to be in your bed.”

  “There has, but I never wanted any of them, and it didn’t matter.” She looked at him shyly. “Until now.”

  “You keep looking at me like that we won’t make it out of this kitchen,” Chance said gruffly. He shifted in his seat, and she could feel his growing arousal through his jeans. “Your first time shouldn’t be in the middle of a messy table.”

  “Oh, you mean we’re going to…” Her eyes widened.

  “Go on upstairs and get cleaned up,” he instructed. “I’ll knock on your door in a few.”

  “What about this?” she asked looking around doubtfully. “Shouldn’t I try to clean this up?”

  Chance walked over to a large magnetic board that was on the fridge and wrote “Harvey. can you get a few of the guys to help clean this up. Please? Desiree made me dinner.”

  “All done,” he said. He pulled her close and kissed her until her head swam. “Now go on ahead upstairs and get pretty for me.”

  Desiree nodded and went up the stairs with excitement fluttering in her heart. Tonight would be something new and exciting, and she could hardly wait to be in Chance’s arms again.

  Chapter Four

  A nervous flutter went through her tummy when she heard the soft knock on her door. Like Chance had requested she went upstairs and took a long shower, and now she wore a sexy pair of black lace panties and a chemise top. She pulled on the short robe she bought from Wal-mart and looked at herself to make sure she looked okay. Well she did not know how she was supposed to look. Her face was scrubbed clean, no makeup, and her hair hung down around her shoulders. Was she supposed to get all made up for lovemaking? This was all new to her. She knew how to smile for the camera and make the camera love her for whatever campaign she was working on at the time. But this was so totally different, and she could not fake away her nervousness when she opened the door.

  It must have showed on her face because Chance cupped her cheek when he saw her and simply said, “If you aren’t ready for this, it’s okay. I can hold you all night, and we don’t have to do anything.”

  His understanding without her having to say a word made her want him all the more. He cared, really cared, not because she was some fantasy from a magazine, but because he saw the woman behind the glamour. He wore only his jeans, which hung low on his hips. She could see the thin trail of hair that graced rock hard abs and trailed down into his pants. His hair was still damp from the shower, and she watched a drop of water fall from a lock of hair that curved down on his face.

  Desiree smiled up at him. “I want to be with you.”

  He held out his hand to her, and she took it with trust while they walked down the hall to his bedroom.

  “I figured you’ve never been romanced, so I hope you like what I did,” Chance said. He opened the door to his room, and when she walked in, Desiree gasped. Candles lined the top of his drawers and on the big night tables that graced each side of his bed. An ice bucket sat next to some of the candles, and it held a bottle of wine. The reflection of the soft light was on his big screen TV that was on one wall and a large mirror that was across from it on another wall. His room was done in rustic browns and reds somewhat like downstairs. A huge four-poster bed sat in the center of the room, and a big fireplace warded off the chill of the night. The wood popped, and the fire crackled.

  “This is all for me?”

  Chance pulled her close and held her tight, rocking gently back and forth. She could smell the fresh and spicy aroma of his body wash against his chest, and she inhaled deeply of the scent.

  “It’s all for you,” he replied and kissed the top of her head. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “I would like that.” She began to take off her robe, but Chance stopped her.”

  “Honey if that robe comes off and I see what’s underneath right now, I am going to forget all train of thought.” Chance gave a husky laugh. “He lifted her and sat her on the bed and slid his hand down her calf to lift her feet up onto the plush mattress. “Keep it on… for now.”

  “Okay,” she said and accepted a glass of wine from him. Not knowing what she should do next, she took a sip, and Chance came up onto the bed and sat next to her.

  “I’m sorry about the kitchen debacle,” Desiree said.

  Chance laughed out loud. “You did make a big ol’ mess, sweetheart, but that’s okay. I like where it led us.” He took her glass and placed it on the table along with his. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and desire closed her eyes as his lips met hers. She could taste the wine mixed with his own flavor when he delved his tongue into her mouth. His hands worked the sash on her bathroom and spread the material to expose her skin beneath.

  He pulled away to look at her and whispered, “Holy hell, you are gorgeous.”

  Desiree flushed in pleasure at his compliment. “You’re gorgeous too.”

  He laughed huskily and teased, “Honey, I’m a cowboy from Montana with calluses on my hands. I can’t be called gorgeous, more like ruggedly handsome.”

  “I like your hands on me. You make me tingle.”

  “Oh, honey, you are an innocent to this.” He groaned and put his forehead against hers.

  She raised her lips to kiss him. “Show me, Chance. Teach me how to love you.”

  Their kiss turned passionate in an instant, and need built inside her as he kissed any doubts away from her mind. He tugged her down to lie on the pillows and settled between her legs. She could feel the hardness of him through the jean barrier that covered him. His expert tongue and skilled hands roaming and caressing her made her burn, and she raised her hips to press against his groin, hoping for relief. Desiree kissed him in return with passion and fervor. Chance groaned and took the kiss even deeper. His tongue grazed her teeth before he slipped it into her mouth again to taste her. He built something inside her that she did not understand, and all she could feel was desperation to have completion, to have him inside her.

  Chance moved to one side to give his hand room to travel down her body. His fingers slid beneath the panties to the mound of her pussy.

  “Open your legs, darlin’. Let me touch you,” he murmured against her lips.

  Desiree moved her legs apart and held her breath in anticipation. His finger traveled along her thick pussy lips before delving between them. She gasped at the invasion, and then it turned to a moan as his fingers deftly searched out and found her clit. Chance groaned and kissed her again, devouring her mouth while his fingers played at the soft mound between her legs. She shifted restlessly as his finger rubbed the sexual bud. She could feel herself getting wetter, and she cried out when his finger dipped inside her. It was a new invasion but one she longed to feel. Over and over again, he dipped his digit inside her and pressed a secret place that made her cry out and raise her hips against his hand in pleasure.

  “Slow down, baby. Shhh.” He calmed her and removed his hand to pull her trembling body against him.

  “Chance, I want more. I want to feel more,” she said and kissed him with desperation.

  Chance pulled away from her kiss and groaned. “I know. God, do I know. I want to throw you down and fuck you so damn hard. But we’re going to take it slow, baby. I’m going to make sure you remember this night.”

  He buried his face in the globes of her pert breasts. He filled his hands with the soft mounds, massaging them with a strong firm motion, letting her nipples bead to hardness against his fingers. He licked the tips and then sucked on them one after another.

  “Oh, God, Chance, I like that,” Desiree whispered.
“Don’t stop.”

  He helped her take off the rest of her clothes before he stood and quickly took his jeans off to expose his hard cock. Desiree sat up to look at the length and the thickness of him and wondered if he would fit inside her body. Chance came back to the bed. The desire in his eyes was smoldering. With a sudden move, he sank his hands in her hair. He pulled her head back, exposing her breasts and took her nipple into his mouth. She held his head to her. He sucked and played with one before moving to the other and loved it with the same attention. Desiree tried to hold his head in place, but Chance was ravenous in his concentration on her body. His fingers went back to her pussy and deftly flicked at her clit.

  “Put it inside me, Chance, please.” Desiree wanted to feel that fire again that he brought to the surface. She burned under his ministration.

  “Touch me, Desiree,” Chance muttered. His breath was hot against her skin.

  She wrapped her small fingers around his cock hesitantly, and he groaned as if he was in pain. “Stroke my cock darlin’. Oh, yes, like that.” His breath hissed out from between his teeth when she slid her hand down the smooth shaft over and over again, until Chance’s cock pulsed in her hands. He moaned her name in pleasure, and it pleased her to know how much he approved of what she was doing. He sank his fingers into her hair once again holding her head while he feasted on her lips, swollen from his kisses.

  Desiree became daring and pulled away from him. She trailed kisses and tiny licks down his body until she came to his groin. She met his eyes that were heavy lidded with arousal. He said nothing, but she could see his fingers clenching and unclenching in the sheets.

  “Can I try this?” she asked hesitantly.

  Chance swallowed and nodded. Desiree knelt between his legs and leaned over, flicked her tongue out slowly, and licked the tip of his rigid length. A tortured moan came from Chance whose hands were fists at his side. She took his hard cock in her mouth and slid her lips down as far they could go on his rigid member.