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The Billionaire's Baby Page 7

  “Carrie, please,” she said with a smile.

  Favian shook her hand and restrained himself from hugging the older woman. “Muchas gracias, Carrie. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. Or should I say de nada, Señor Rivera?” she said with a wink and a grin. That sealed it for Favian; he liked the fun older woman.

  Adira was given an appointment in five weeks and Favian made note of it in his blackberry. There was no way he was going to miss seeing his baby in Adira’s tummy. He took her to lunch and did as Suzie requested and made sure Adira had some avocado in her meal. Afterwards, they walked down the busy streets holding hands and went into one of the exclusive baby boutiques in Manhattan.

  “Hello, Mr. Rivera. Welcome to La Petite!” The manager came rushing from behind the counter to greet him.

  “Do you know everyone?” Adira asked quietly.

  “I own this line of stores. They were sinking and I gave them the funding to stay afloat for a percentage of the profits,” Favian explained. “They just needed some restructuring.” He greeted the manager. “Hello, Phyllis, how are you?”

  “Very well, sir. Are you here to look over the books or stock?” Phyllis asked nervously.

  Favian wondered if the small birdlike woman may pass out. She seemed so nervous. He set about to calm her before she fainted. Since he was a business owner, his name came with some stereotypes. A lot of people saw him coming and thought they would be out of a job. He was not about putting good, hardworking people on the streets. He had a knack for weeding out the bad apples and taking them out of the equation but keeping the right ones in. At the time he bought La Petite, Phyllis was one of the best workers they had. She was just floor staff then, but he got rid of the arrogant, lazy manager and promoted her. It worked out well.

  “Phyllis, this is Adira and we’re going to be having a baby in the next six months.” Favian smiled. “Show us everything you’ve got and make sure whatever we buy gets delivered to my home.”

  “Oh, how wonderful, sir. Congratulations to both of you!” Phyllis said. “Ma’am, what would you like to see?”

  “Please call me Adira and thank you so much. Since I’ve never done this before and I have no idea where to start, how about you show me around and give me your expertise?” Adira asked.

  Phyllis nodded shyly. “It would be my honor.”

  He trailed along behind Adira and Phyllis and watched as the manager handled everything with ease and also helped Adira to feel comfortable. Adira boggled at the prices each time she saw something she loved, but Favian would catch Phyllis’ eye and give her a slight nod, and the manager would make a note to order it.

  Adira may have a problem with spending his money, but Favian did not. Adira would have what made her happy for the baby’s nursery and his child would want for nothing. One of the last things on the list was a baby Doppler. He wanted to be able to listen to his baby’s heartbeat at home while Adira lay in bed. Before they left the store, Phyllis asked if he would need workers to put together the furniture and crib. Favian politely refused. He would use his own hands to put everything together.

  They were happy and chatty as they stepped out of the store, but the next person they ran into wiped the smile off Favian’s face.

  “Favian, fancy seeing you on the streets.” Hillary’s voice soured his mood instantly.

  “Hillary,” he acknowledged her coolly.

  “Oh, poo, is that how you greet your sister?” she said a little too cheerfully.

  He recognized the fakeness in her voice instantly. “That’s how I greet anyone who tries to fuck with my life.”

  “Favian that was a mistake…” she began but then stopped abruptly and narrowed her eyes. “Why are the two of you coming out of La Petite? Oh, my God, did this little urchin convince you she’s pregnant with your child? Didn’t you have enough with Kim?”

  “Oy, who do you think you’re calling an urchin, you incest-loving slut?” Adira said. The hormones made her sleepy and made her cry easily, but she also got pissed off quickly. “I have no reason to try and fake anything with Favian, while you seem to have no problem dropping your knickers for some cash. He’s your brother. Have some class.”

  “Why you little… I’ll scratch your—”

  “Hillary, get away from us now, right now,” Favian said between clenched teeth. He was trying so very hard to hold on to his temper and not throttle her in public.

  “Favian, I’m sorry, but you have to see she’s playing you just like Kim,” Hillary pleaded.

  “The only thing I see is the money you get from me going down the drain. Take care you don’t have to use your foul mouth in another way to make money to survive,” he said coldly.

  His implication was clear and she gasped. Hillary’s face turned red and she moved past them quickly, not even looking back as she pushed through the crowd.

  Adira looked up at him. “She is completely vile.”

  “I agree. Let’s go home, darling. You need to rest,” Favian said.

  Adira stopped him with a hand on his arm. “This baby is yours, Favian. I don’t know who Kim is or was, but if you’ve been burned and you need a paternity test I have no problem with that. If it will assure you then that’s fine with me.”

  “I don’t want you to do that. I’ve read that amniocentesis can cause fetal injury and premature labor,” Favian said stubbornly. “I refuse to even consider it. I trust and believe in you and that’s final.”

  “Do you want to tell me about Kim?” Adira asked quietly.

  He pulled her close and kissed her temple as they walked. “Sometime soon, my darling, but not right now.”

  “Okay, but I’m here, love, to talk whenever you’re ready.” Adira leaned against his shoulder.

  That simple statement meant more to him than she realized. It felt good that Adira wouldn’t push at old wounds to see if the scars had healed. Favian loved her; he’d admitted it to himself long ago. Before, as a younger man, he’d have been impatient and declared his love for her right away. Now, he knew to wait, to make sure she understood how much she’d be cherished by him. She’d given him a precious gift, but more than that she was the biggest treasure of all.

  * * * *

  Adira looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She was naked and she ran her hands over the roundness of her stomach. She’d felt the little butterfly movements in her stomach and knew the little one was thriving. She couldn’t wait until Favian could feel it too, but for now those tiny little movements were just for her and she treasured them. Her breasts were fuller and her curves more lush.

  Adira wondered if Favian would still find her sexy, the way he had on that first night. Which was the reason why she was in the bathroom looking at her nakedness in the mirror. She wanted to be with him again and was unsure of how he’d react. Months had passed since that first night. Had his desire for her waned or was his physical distance because of the baby? Another problem she had was that she had no clue how to read men. Inexperience was still the main aspect of her life.

  “Okay, you little wimp. Go get your man. You see the care in his eyes. If he says no you can just move into another bedroom and live in there forever,” she said softly to her reflection. “There’s always London and Lynette. She could create me a whole new identity so I could get past the shame.”

  She smiled thinking about her friend and how indignant she would be and how she would probably want to take her cricket bat to Favian’s head. She pulled on her robe and walked out into the master bedroom she shared with Favian. There were papers scattered across his side of the bed, and he was wearing his reading glasses. In her opinion, the glasses seemed to accentuate his good looks.

  Favian looked up as she came out of the bathroom. “Ready for bed? Shall I get you some gelato? I think Suzie made chocolate for you this time.”

  Adira smiled. “If I allow Suzie to continue to feed me the way she does, I’ll be the size of a whale before I have this baby.”

“I doubt it, but you’d be the most attractive whale I’ve ever seen.” Favian chuckled.


  He looked at her curiously. “Of course. Adira, you know how beautiful I think you are.”

  She untied the knot in the sash of her bathrobe and let the soft pink terrycloth material slip from her shoulders and expose her naked body to him. She watched as his eyes darkened and he took a deep breath.

  She stepped closer to the bed. “I’m taking a leap of faith here, hoping that you still want me. I don’t know how men feel about pregnant women and sex, but I want you. I will understand if you don’t want to until after the baby.”

  Favian swiped the papers and files onto the floor in his attempt to climb across the bed to get to her quickly. He held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “It’s been torture trying to keep my hands off you at night, mi querida. I sleep turned to the other side because I don’t want you to feel my erection press against you.”

  “I love your arousal and how you make me feel.” She pushed herself against him. “Make love to me, Favian. I need you so.”

  He kissed her passionately and then lifted her into his arms.

  “But your papers are scattered everywhere,” she pointed out as he laid her on the bed.

  “Forget the papers.” He pushed the rest to the floor. “I’ll fix them later or get new copies.” Favian pulled his T-shirt off and took off his pajama pants. “Right now I’m going to be with the woman I love.”

  She looked at him as he lay next to her. “You love me?”

  “Was there any doubt?” Favian cupped her chin and kissed her so sweetly it made tears prick her eyes. “Mi amor, all this time and you don’t know I love you? Have I been that neglectful in showing you my feelings?”

  Adira shook her head. “No, you are so good to me, but I’m pregnant with your child. I don’t know if it’s because of that or me.”

  “It’s you, Adira Potts, the woman who asked me for directions while lost only two blocks from her hotel, the woman who went to dinner with me on a whim and wrapped herself so completely around my heart that I could never escape. Before the baby, there was you, my sweet Adira.”

  “I love you, Favian,” she whispered. “Tell me how to say it in Spanish.”

  “Te amo, Adira,” he said huskily. “Mi amor.”

  “Te amo, Favian,” she repeated.

  “Permítanme hacer el amor con usted, mi querida.” Favian then said it in English so she could understand. “Let me make love to you, my darling.”

  “Always,” she replied and her lips curved in smile. “You are such a naughty daddy. Show me how much you want me.”

  He groaned. “I love your voice. Hearing you say that just took the heat level up a few hundred degrees.”

  “Less talky, more lovey.” She kissed her way across his cheek to his ear and whispered, “Daddy.”

  That was it. No more words were said. He kissed her with such passion, yet care that she was stunned at the gentleness that came from such a massive frame. The kiss became unrestrained until they were gasping and trying to take, yet give at the same time.

  He cupped her breasts and moaned into her mouth. “Your body is so voluptuous. I just want to immerse myself in you, in everything about you.”

  He caressed his hands down her body slowly and she felt her body tingle as it had that first night they were together. Favian cupped the mound of her sex as he seduced her mouth with a kiss. Unable to resist, she shuddered in his arms.

  Favian lifted his head to look at her. “I want to worship your body. I’m so pleased that you are mine. Will you let me do that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, my, yes.”

  He kissed her again, his fingers were making slow circles on her torso and Adira never knew that it could be so arousing to have your pregnant belly caressed. Favian’s lips sucked and nibbled at the sensitive skin of her neck. He trailed his lips down to her breasts and instead of a gentle lick or kiss he pulled the globe deep into his mouth and sucked hard. Adira cried out and his groan blended with hers. He moved to the next breast and did the same thing.

  “Dios mio, I can taste your milk.” His voice was raw with desire.

  “Do it again. That feel so good,” she begged.

  Favian did as she asked and Adira cried out as he pulled the hard beaded tip into his mouth. His moan was guttural. His hips moved against her, and she reached between them to stroke his cock. He thrust himself between her hand and imitated the movement with his tongue in her mouth. She followed suit and tasted the depths of his mouth. Favian groaned in pleasure and she was thrilled knowing that she caused him such pleasure.

  His hand made its way to her pussy and his fingers tenderly probed the tender flesh of her sex. He rubbed her clit in slow, delicious circles and her hips rose reflexively. He dipped his finger inside slowly and she wanted more. He resisted and Adira gave a whimper of frustration. But Favian had other plans. He kissed his way down her body until he came to her aroused sex. His tongue lapped and sucked at her clit. He tasted her like a man devouring the sweetest fruit. Adira closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her in a heated wave. Favian wasn’t done taking from her body. She felt him penetrate her with his fingers and used them to fuck her while he continued to torture her with his tongue.

  “Favian, I can’t stand it. I’m going to come,” she whimpered.

  “Let go, baby. Let me see you come for me,” he said huskily

  Her hips arched against him as she gave in to the sensations he created. His groan mixed with her cry as her body released a gush of sexual fluid. He kept his own pace, not changing it even as her hips rose faster. As if sensing her pinnacle, he sucked greedily on her clit and she found release with a sultry cry.

  “Damn, I could do that over and over again,” he said and kissed her and she could taste her essence on his lips.

  “I want to feel you inside me now,” she said impatiently.

  “Turn on your side, my love.”

  He was much taller than she was and easily came up behind her and pressed against her body. She felt the tip of his cock at the entrance of her sex before he slipped between the velvety folds of her pussy. With her legs pressed together, it seemed the swollen lips of her sex made each thrust feel more erotic. Favian returned to stroking her belly and massaging the fully engorged mounds of her breasts. Each touch left flames in its wake. She could hardly stand the feelings blooming inside her.

  “Come with me, please. Please, I need to feel you,” she said urgently as each nerve ending seemed to be on fire and overtake her senses.

  “Adira, mi amor. God, I love how you feel.” He turned her face to his and kissed her savagely. “I’m with you. Let go.”

  His breath was harsh in her ear, his body moved with restrained urgency. He squeezed her breasts and she felt her milk drip out and run down his hand. He continued massaging the globes and she could feel the wetness of the colostrum cause a sticky friction between his hands and her skin. That seemed to send him over the edge as he called her name. She could hear the agony of his pleasure as he whispered endearments to her in Spanish. Adira let it overtake her and her orgasm left her breathless. His seed filled her core and accepted every movement as he prolonged their pleasure with simple thrusts.

  “Well, I think you just blew my mind.” He kissed her shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her stomach. “I’m sorry, little one. Your mother is a wild woman.”

  Adira slapped at his shoulder. “Don’t say that. He can hear you!”

  “Yes, dear,” he said solemnly. Favian kissed her belly again and whispered, “Wild woman.”

  “You are a bad daddy, very bad,” she chastised him.

  “Don’t say that unless you want me to show you just how bad I am. Your voice does very stimulating things to my lower region,” he warned playfully. “Let’s get us cleaned up and then you into bed.”

  They took a shower together and Favian seemed to take great pleasure in washi
ng her body and soaping her belly. He got to his knees and washed her legs all the while talking to the baby in English and in Spanish. He was playful and fun and he made her laugh. Back in bed under the warm blankets, he pulled her close, snuggling her with his big hand over her stomach.

  “I wish I could feel him or her move.” His deep voice rumbled against her ear.

  “You will soon. In another few weeks we won’t be able to get this baby to stop moving for even a second.” She laughed.

  “And I will love it,” Favian said. He was quiet for moment and then asked quietly, “Will you marry me, Adira?”

  She turned in his arms. “Favian, we’re fine just as we are. You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”

  “I was married before. Her name was Kim. I thought God hung the moon when he made her.”

  “You weren’t ready to tell me,” she reminded him. “Favian, you don’t have to.”

  “But I do because I want no walls between us,” he answered simply

  He started his story and Adira listened silently. She knew this was a turning point in his life to be able to share with her something from his past that hurt him so badly. She laced her fingers with his and waited for him to continue.

  “I was a young Marine. I had the money and she saw the dollar signs, saw my potential,” he said. “Hillary couldn’t stand her, but who does Hillary like? Remy barely said two words when she was around. The first time I was deployed she cheated on me with at least two guys. Remy saw her with one of them and told me. I was devastated. I came home for two weeks’ leave and we fought like cats and dogs. She asked me to forgive her and I refused. Her solution was to go into the bathroom and cut her wrists after taking pills. They were superficial cuts but enough to scare the shit out of me. At the hospital, they pumped her stomach and took care of the cuts and I told her I wouldn’t leave her, that I loved her. I still did, actually. We all seem to love what’s bad for us.”

  Favian took a deep breath and continued. “I went back overseas and she emailed to tell me that she was pregnant. She sent me sonogram pictures and I was thrilled, but then, later on, of course, I came to find out it was all a lie. She was paying one of her pregnant girlfriends for the pictures. At around what would have been her sixth month I called home and she said she lost the baby and blamed it on me, said it was because I was gone all the time and that no one loved her or was there to take care of her. I wanted to die that day; the guilt ate at me and I wanted to go out in a convoy and catch a bullet.”